
Food Bank

The container is at the back of the church. Our contributions go to the Brightlingsea food bank.

If you are able to donate any of the following this would go a long way to support families facing hardship: washing up liquid, tinned fruit, tinned meat, long life milk, long life juice, teabags, pasta sauce, washing up liquid, sugar, tinned potatoes, deodrants and shampoo.
Many thanks for your support.

Parish Magazine

The magazine is published monthly and is delivered to your door by one of our volunteers. We aim to publish articles and events which will appeal to everyone and to keep you informed as to what is happening in and around Great Bentley including church services, groups, organisations and the Parish Council reports.

It is printed on our own printer and collated and stapled by volunteers in the Church Hall on the last Friday of each month.

Advertising prices for 2024

  • Small £60
  • Medium portrait or landscape £100
  • Quarter pager £170
  • Half £330

Subs cost £6 or £5 concessions, delivered to all homes in the parish at no extra cost. For any enquiries please contact the Editor Mary Maskell 01206 250524


Our lovely church, which is an asset to the whole village, costs over £100 per day to maintain and run. If you would like to help us, either put something in our postbox, by the church gate or contact the Treasurer Annabel Stearn. Email:

You can also donate via our ‘Parish Giving Scheme’ page. Please visit: