Wildlife Pond

The wildlife pond was started February 2020 during lockdown as a project to attract and help wildlife.

To the left is a more formal garden, to the right wild flowers have been sown around a bug house which hopefully will flourish more next year. Although a young pond, various insects, bugs, bees, froglets, birds. butterflies, dragonflies and slowworms have been seen this year. There were signs a nearby hedgehog house had been used too, it has been moved to a quieter place for this year. You will find the pond if you turn left inside the gates between the formal garden and memorial wall. It is on your left after the formal garden and at the moment has rope around it to mark the area. I am enjoying watching the activity in and around the pond and I hope you do to.

Please note, there are NO graves in this area although there are some old gravestones, and permission was sought before making the pond.

Mandy Miles Church Warden.